> Personal History
> Dreams
> My Flock


> Avian RL
> My Journal
> General Mythical RL
> MHK Wattpad
> Alation
> Main site


I think I can help you get started! This isnt going to be a comprehensive guide on how to actually get them, though. I'm just here to point you in the right direction, give you some resources so you can get a head start on your own research and such.
This is mostly avian specific, but you could easily repurpose this information with other Mythical types.

Step one, research! This is the most important part of the process, and you will never truly leave this phase of your journey. I've been here for four years (as of writing this), and I'm still learning things! Though I am begging you here, do not start attemping growth until you've been lurking for a while (like a long while), so you really know what you're getting into. My initial research phase lasted almost exactly a year, for reference

Trustworthy guides are hard to come across, but I have some pointers.

This sounds odd, but Wattpad journals are going to be your best bet. This is where the community is located. The goal is to either find an informational book on there, or read someone's personal journal and figure out where to go from there. Though I would definitely suggest finding a book meant to teach, the information you'll find there will most likely be better researched.

Here's a small list of my favorite Wattpad books for Avian info. I also have an on-site reading list on the left sidebar.

> "A guide for Avians" By @smol_avian_child is definitely the best informational journal out there. It was basically the first thing I saw when I made it to wattpad, and it really helped me get started.
> "Avian Journal 4: Muscle Development" By the same person Is just one of Rei's own progress logging journals, but the way they write makes this journal a good resource for helping a newbie tell up from down here.
> This journal by WhiteSilverMoon is a pretty run of the mill journal, but it's also still updating and again, is a pretty good starting resource for figuring out what exactly you're meant to be doing as an avian.
> The Slimeblood Experiment Is a project attemping to create an artificial Mythical type called a slimeblood. The project has presumably been abandoned, with not many resources for slimebloods themselves aside from a couple journals, but the mythical type itself is meant to benefit other types, and is a very interesting read.

Another good source of info would be the Alation Amino. yeah, Amino, doesn't sound very reliable. The pinned post is a directory of a TON of information, it's extremely helpful. It's a better source than wattpad, but the Amino is perma-locked from what I know. I plan on either moving all the information to my site or just rewriting it one day, but that's a lot of work!

Again, wattpad is a very important part of our community. Much to my own chagrin, everything's based there. It's got it's issues (I know all about them), but it's home, I guess.
This brings us to step two, start a wattpad journal!

I know it sounds tedious and, not very worth it, if you've seen the rest of the app; but you'll thank yourself later. Progress with any mythical type is very slow, and you'll need to be writing down any you get to even know you're making it sometimes. It's pretty hard not to lose hope or doubt yourself in a journey like this, and the minutes-keeping will pay later.
Why Wattpad specifically? The sense of community! It's also very hard not to feel alone in such an intimidating and tedious process. You're not alone. You're not the only person who dreams to fly, and you're not the only one who has the potential to do so. Research is a communal effort, there are others like you who want to fly with wings more than anything in the world, we won't be where we are with our knowledge today if it weren't for each other.

Sorry for the sappy stuff, it's something pretty important to me. But... I think I've got everything written down here? The last step would probably be to follow in the steps of those you read about in your guides, and if you can manage that, congrats! You just got started, welcome to the Mythical community!